The kids and I have a summer routine for the past three years. Every Saturday morning, we visit a local "Farmer's" Market which sells organic produce at a good price. There are some other regular vendors there as well- a really sweet woman selling home-baked sweets; a lady selling books, 3 for a dollar, to raise money for a cause. We buy produce, a few books, and head home for a fresh breakfast and book-reading.
This year I have been paying more attention to where things actually come from, and basically this may be a farmer's market, but not any with produce from farmers in our area. They have organic produce, yes, but most of it shipped in from another country.
There is also a "local" market that just opened up in our town. There is NOTHING local in the store. No local produce, honey, nothing.
So, I have been thinking....(uh-oh, for those who know me!)... how difficult would it actually be to eat completely local for a month?
Avocados, almonds, mangos are staples for my diet. They are not local. My husband loves his Columbian coffee. Even my green tea, or my kelp for that matter- where does it all come from? So, here's what I am thinking. This week, when everyone is fed and relaxed one evening, I am going to call a meeting. I am going to pose a challenge to my family to eat local for one month- the month of August. Will they accept the challenge? I will let you know, and if anyone else is interested in joining me, please email me at I will keep you posted!