What is a rain garden?
A rain garden is a shallow depression that is planted with deep-rooted native plants and grasses. The garden should be positioned near a runoff source like a downspout, driveway or sump pump to capture rainwater runoff and stop the water from reaching the sewer system.
Why plant a rain garden?
You know how precious freshwater is to life.You probably also know that freshwater is becoming increasingly scarce due to pollution, misuse, overuse and climate change.
So when someone asks you "why plant a rain garden?" you can tell them that you are doing it to help keep clean, fresh rainwater out of the sewer system and you are doing your part to reduce pollution and preserve our water systems.
This sounds like a grand effort that only scientists, ecologists and politicians can do. But you can plant a rain garden and then spread the word and tell others that you plant native plants and rain gardens to improve the world you live in.
Explain to people who question you how rain and melting snow runs off roofs, driveways and even lawns and flows directly to the street, down the storm drain and right to our rivers and lakes. Tell them that this runoff is untreated and carries with it pollutants like oil, salt, fertilizer, pesticides, pet waste, transportation chemicals, sediment and all sorts of other things that shouldn't be in our freshwater.
Tell them that a rain garden can capture that runoff and hold not only thousands of gallons of rainwater that can be used in your own garden and yard but all of these pollutants that contaminate our waterways. Then explain after the capture of the water comes the soaking or infiltrating of the water deep into the ground so that it can be used by the nearby plants and trees. Tell them how the native plants planted in the rain garden also help to soak up the water and how the roots are deep and will break up hard soil and infiltrate water and nutrients deep into the soil.
Then finally, tell them how the plants, mulch and soil break up the pollutants and make them inert, not harmful. Explain how the moderate amounts of water and limited amounts of pollutants people shed from their personal property can easily be handled by the rain garden. And that these same pollutants will cause havoc if combined with pollution from your neighbors on your block and the next block and the neighborhood and the community. Imagine all the pollutants from a whole city moving, untreated into your rivers, lakes and streams that you might be drinking!!!!
Oh, ya, you can also explain that a rain garden is beautiful, creates habitat for birds and beneficial insects, reduces pest and harmful insects, makes a great statement in your yard and can be used seasonally to teach kids and adults about the nature of nature.
This is why we all should plant a rain garden ... or two ... or three ...
You can find out more at http://www.raingardennetwork.com
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